Music. Music Music Music Music Music Music Music. My thoughts (and G's) are completely entrenched in our new life that is CORVO.
I just wanted to take an entry to jot down everything that made us feel really great about THE DEVILS.
We won "Reviewer's Picks" Awards in several categories at Best Female Vocals, Best Drums, Best Bass, Best Beat, Best Mood and Potential Soundtrack.
My favorite reviews:Greater Than the Sum of Its PartsThe intro to this song is well crafted. The samples sound great and kept my listening then the riff builds up, which I totally wasn't expecting.
There's a nice drive to the song provided by the drums which is nicely accompanied by the keyboards. The vocals suit it well, and I like the slightly muffled goes well with the samples. The singer almost sounds like a slightly more metal aimee mann (from the magnolia soundtrack).
What I really like about the song is that whilst it has poppy hooks and a pretty rocking metally riff, it somehow manages to save itself from being cheesy pop metal and instead comes across as something far more clever and intricate.
Extra Credit: Drums, Mood.
The Hard and the BeautifulThis is a cool track! I get an epic futuristic fantasy kind of feel from this track. It would sound awesome in a action movie or video game! The whispers are cool and the distorted singing vocals are quite stunning...very beautiful and enchanting! Well done! And the double bass and guitars are top notch!! Keep up the good work! Peace n Luv!!
Extra Credit: Mood, Originality, Best Potential Movie Soundtrack.--------------------
So Scary, It's BeautifulGreat unique vocal approach, very reminiscent of Steve Albini's work with Big Black.
Love the kick in the pants at the 45 second mark, wasn't expecting that. Nice changeup on the vocals music. Incorporating the female vocal was a masterstroke, nice idea!
Great atmospherics, nice and disturbing, yet beautiful at the same time. nothing I love more than a beautiful piece of music that scares the heck out of me yet gives me goosebumps at the same time.
If Faith No More and Steve Albini formed a merger and recruited vocalists from the island of the sirens it would sound a lot like this. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
I especially like the mixture of stylings evident in this song. All at once it is beautiful and ugly, operatic but heavy, dramatic but tasteful, indicative of outside influence but unique. You have my vote!
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Female Vocals, Guitars, Melody, Mood, Originality.
And the FUNNIEST review:
'80's Goth?all these songs sound your a scary monster in a cage?
[damn right] franenstien
[you mean that reanimated corpse waitress that works at the diner down the street? -exactly]! with a guiter
[yes, G is quite skilled at playing that little-known stringed instrument, the guiter] experesing your rage?
[yes, we pride ourselves on the ability to experes] whatever.
[exactly what i was thinking] the girls voice sounds like honey.
[at least he can spell honey.]
I'm sure you're wondering why the "sudden" shift from filmmaking to music? Well...the shift isn't exactly sudden...G and I had been considering doing music together ever since we'd been dating. It just took awhile to invest in what was needed to play, record and produce original material. Lots of research, lots of soul-searching, too. We've got a LOOONG way to go, but I feel like we've already made great strides just within the past 9 months that we began this journey...
Once we've recorded our 3-song demo, and later on, an EP, we'll be turning back to filmmaking - to produce videos for all of our songs (a DVD). -Most feature filmmakers begin on short films and music videos. In our opinion, it's even better that the music videos we make will be done to our OWN music. We're working very hard, and playing every artistic angle that we possibly can...we've even talked about making a feature film by joining forces with all of the Indie bands that we've started to become friends with. - Could be really cool to have an excellent feature film that's done by a bunch of indie musicians - take "that," music-and-film-mega-corporate-robot-producers!
We won't start doing live gigs for awhile. We'll need to audition more band members at that time, and rehearsing for a live experience. You can probably IMAGINE the set ideas we have - the visuals, the lights...pretty wild stuff! You may have to put up with me blogging about our music a LOT. And just because I blog it doesn't mean you have to feel entitled to listening to CORVO and supporting us. You support ME as a friend - all of you - no matter how our musical tastes differ...and having a forum "away" from my CORVO sites helps me to explore my individual role in the you for listening! - Just hearing me blab about it is all the support I need. If you end up LIKING the music too, well....that's quite a cherry on top of the creative sundae.