"It became obvious to journalist Michael Pollan in the summer of 2002 that America had a national eating disorder.
That July, The New York Times Magazine published an article titled "What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?" which reported that a growing number of respected nutritional researchers were beginning to conclude that perhaps Dr. Robert Atkins had been right all along: Carbohydrates, not fats, were the cause of America's obesity problem.
Almost overnight, in Pollan's estimation, bakeries went out of business, dinner rolls in New York restaurants went the way of the pterodactyl, and pasta became regarded as a toxin.
'These foods were wonderful staples of human life for thousands of years,' Pollan told Truthdig, 'and suddenly we've decided that they're evil. Any culture that could change its diet on a dime like that is suffering from an eating disorder, as far as I can see.'"
DAMN. I mean....damn. I believe he's completely right.
entire interview is VERY interesting. His book,
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History in Four Meals is another I'll be adding to my wish list, because in my heart of hearts, I know that I'm an omnivore [not a vegetarian or vegan, even though I've tried to be]...and I'd be interested to read what he has to say about it. I think it would be a great companion piece to what I've been learning about lately, regarding the concept of intuitive eating and getting back to eating as many natural food sources as possible.
[Interview found at
The Sustainable Table Blog]