As a matter of fact, I'm coming back with a VENGEANCE.
I've realized that somewhere along the line, I started...not really censoring myself, but...not REALLY writing about everything that matters most to me. And I don't even know why.
My life is starting to lead me in directions that I'd never before anticipated. Some are really freakin' rock star AMAZING, and some...are pretty painful.
I get afraid to write when I'm dealing with the painful stuff, because...quite frankly, I don't want you all to think I'm whining.
But ya know what? Do I ever think any of YOU are "whining" when you're going through painful stuff, or stuff that makes you angry, or the "downs" in life? NEVER! I'd rather you write it out, so that I can be here for you! So why do I get all weird about what I do and don't share here? It's really stupid, and I don't know where that came from.
I started blogging in 2001 and I didn't have "readers" back then. I started blogging because I'm a writer, and because I know how powerful it is to journal. Even if just to write, "today sucked" or "today rocked." I started this for ME. I'm staying here for ME.
And I'm not holding back anymore.
I love you all.